Frequently Asked Questions

Websites can be complicated, here's some answers

The answer to this is our slogan: Truly Affordable. Many web design companies overcharge their clients because they can, and most people don’t know any better unfortunately. We promise you a truly affordable price for a professional, modern website.

A domain name is the name of your website. It’s what’s used to uniquely identify your website against the millions of others.

All websites must be on active computers, or servers connected to the internet. Hosting companies charge monthly fees to host your website on their computers, making your website always accessible to others.

These are customized email addresses with your website name as the domain name. For example, our companies emails all have the format: name@websketchdesigns.ca

We do offer expedited design packages. This is an additional fee you can pay us, in order for us to move your website to the front of the work queue, and to put all hands on deck to work. Usually this cuts design time in half.

WordPress is a Content Management System. In basic terms, it’s just software used to help manage content in specific ways. It’s a tool we and many other web developers use to ensure secure, and modern websites. It’s responsible for the development of over 35% of all websites on the internet.

No matter where you’re at with your business, we can work with it. The first step would be to get a free estimate today.

Maintenance packages are monthly, or yearly fee’s you pay us. In return, we take care of everything to do with your website. Such as hosting charges, software updates, monthly bug analysis, monthly website changes, and so on.

Absolutely. We offer design changes to your website, with or without a maintenance package. However, if you don’t have one we do charge you hourly for the changes.

Once we get started on designing it, it should take less than a week from start to finish. This can be slightly longer, or shorter depending on your projects depths. If you need it rushed, talk to us about expediting the process.

We would ensure that you have your payments all setup with a third-party hosting company. After this, its automatically charged and you won’t have to worry about it again.

SEO is  “search engine optimization”. We use SEO techniques in order to help your website be more prominent, and be ranked higher on web searches. SEO is often seen as challenging because there’s so many factors at play, but with specialized techniques we can increase your chances of being ranked higher as much as possible.

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